Finally, the day your trip begins. You actually made it to the airport on time, security was manageable and you even had time to grab a bite to eat. Your boarding group is called and your chariot awaits.
You snagged a window seat in the emergency exit row with extra legroom and even remembered to download a few episodes of your current Netflix addiction on your device. You reach in your jacket pocket…oh no…other pocket…
Your headphones are sitting on the counter at home. Perfect. There are subtitles, right? This is the definition of a first-world travel problem and I’m guessing you can relate.
The little things can make big differences and we want to help you prepare for your next adventure, so here’s our list!
In January, we traveled to Curacao (one of the ABC Islands just East of Aruba) to visit our great friend, Lorie, who has been living there since 2017.
We had an incredible time experiencing the culture, exploring all the cool places, and bonding over dinner and games. There was just 1 big problem…the dog named Charlie who lived there.
This dog barked, howled, and cried at our door the entire weekend and boy
was he annoying! Don’t get me wrong, I love animals but this dog would not shut
up! Jeremy and I tossed and turned for many hours the first night trying to let
him in or pet him or play music but nothing worked.
Until I remembered I brought ear plugs so Jeremy and I both used just 1 ear plug each and laid the other ear against the pillow hoping to drown out the sounds of Charlie. LOL.
*If you’re interested in any of these products, we would appreciate it if you buy through our links below because we will earn a small commission.
- Tums– You never know when your stomach will be hurting and you don’t know where the closest store is
- Tampons– You do not want to be stuck in the middle of nowhere when your friend Flo comes to town
- Chap stick– Depending on where you travel to and where you actually live-you don’t realize the climate change and how damaging that can be to your lips
- Pen– The most annoying thing when traveling abroad is filling out a customs form and the counter usually has like 4 pens for hundreds of people so bring your own!
- Ear Plugs– You could be staying in the most beautiful place in the world but the birds outside your window won’t shut up or the train tracks are nearby or the campsite is partying all night long and you need some shut eye
- Hair Tie– As much as we all like the way we look with our hair perfectly straightened or curled, sometimes you just need to throw your hair up in one big messy bun and get it out of your face
- Eye Mask– I have been traveling for awhile now and I just now finally started to remember my eye mask. It is so helpful when the time change is just not on your side or you have to hit the hay earlier than most- Buy the one I use most here…
- Headphones – The worst feeling is when you forget your headphones for playing music or watching movies while traveling. Sometimes the plane itself has movie screens and you plug your headphones into it. Well if you are an iPhone user like we are then you need to bring your attachment piece. That way you have the capability to use your apple products and the airplanes devices.
Thank you for reading!
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